Saturday, October 02, 2004

october 1

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Psalms 137 describes the constancy (or, faithfulness) of the Jews in captivity.

1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
3 For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.
4 How shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land?
5 If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.
6 If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.
7 Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it (make it bare), rase it, even to the foundation thereof.
8 O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones (the Edomites apparently had done things considered just as bad to the Jews while taking the Jews into captivity).

Just a note about what Psalms 137 was written about

Rapture Ready

The Believer

What I also believe this so called Pedophile Protection Act will help NAMBLA which I have predicted it would and will most likely give them the opportunity to practice "Man-Boy" love in my life time.

First we were forced to accept homosexuality with open arms.
Then we were forced to accept adoptions for homosexuals.
Next we are supposed to accept "Gay Marriages".
Then they moved towards "Gay Marriage Benefits".
Now Transgenders wants rights.
Homosexuals want medical insurance for sex changes and consider it to be a medical neccessity.
NOW they want to enforce acceptance in "Man-Boy" love without giving the child any rights.
What next, Man & Animal?

Though this is all so very disturbing, it is happening today in our lifetime.
Please..... I urge everyone to fight this tooth and nail.
We can love the sinner, but we must never give in to their sin.

The Believer

Rapture Ready

joshuacaleb1949 ((paragraph free post alert)

we are running a great, GREAT risk,of not DISCERNING the times in which we live..let me clarify :"the were hundreds of prophecy concerning His FIRST coming,litterally hundreds,starting with Genesis 3:15...all the way to Malachi and also Jesus forerunner John the baptist,the last old testament prophet announcing HIS coming and guess what? THEY( the generation alive then ) didn't RECOGNIZE HIM!!!(except those who believed in Him)..actually He called them "a perverse " generation,with an emphasis on the hypocritical sect of the Pharisees and Sadducees...not to mention that in HIS triumphal entry in Jerusalem He entered (riding a donkey)on THE EXACT day prophesied by Daniel( see the seventy weeks of Daniel)...and HE WEPT over Jerusalem for the fact that they didn't understand the time of their visitation...and predicted their desolation and destruction of the temple and the coming diaspora(dispersion worldwide) of the nation..thing that happened on the year 70 a.d. by hand of the roman legion led by Titus..."(dramatic stuff,not a stone of the temple was left upon an other, litterally fulfilling His word) Jesus Christ,Prophet,Priest and King..)so? well ,Israel had THE OLD TESTAMENT scriptures...but....but...THEY DIDN'T BELIEVE THEM as Paul explains later in the epistles.THEY MISSED HIS FIRST COMING!!!!because of you get it? We have THE SCRIPTURES ,the ENTIRE 66 books (old and new testaments) and WE DON'T BELIEVE THEM...!!!!!Why? because of the false ,I REPEAT FALSE GOSPEL of Kingdom now,Prosperity and NAME IT and GRAB IT ,a gospel WITHOUT JESUS,without the cross,a gospel that in reality as Paul says is ANOTHER GOSPEL,SATANIC to the core,the gospel of PRIDE,of man worship,a watered down gospel,a weak gospel for whimps..a generation of the HERE and NOW,earth do they love it here...GIMME GIMME gospel... THE PRIDE GOSPEL fact WE ARE THE FINAL GENERATION...and I base my declaration on the scriptures even though I will never set dates ,days,month,year etc..I wouldn't dare but I firmly believe that we are that generation....and at the least I want be aware continually that THE RAPTURE is nearer than ever..WHY? because of ISRAEL!!!!that's why!! and of the six days war ( THE MIRACLE WAR) of 1967..I am 55..I was a witness of what Moshe Dayan did..of better of what THE LORD did to the enemy of ISRAEL....and also for what is going on NOW in ISRAEL...camon..are we BLIND? Has the media managed to CONTROL our minds to the point that we can think that THE LORD will let this going on for ever? DO WE KNOW THE LORD? YES HE IS A GRACIOUS GOD...but also a CONSUMING FIRE..and when HIS wrath will be unleashed ..well, the coming great TRIBULATION speaks is also called a time of GREAT AFFLICTION..JACOB'S TROUBLE...after THE RAPTURE ,the great GREAT IS BETTER TO FIND SHELTER IN JESUS and QUICK......there is not time to fool around anymore,we are living in BORROWED time..LORD HELP US TO COUNT OUR DAYS!!! GOD BLESS US ALL



This is an argument over nothingness. It's not a theory that paper comes from trees, its a fact (although we can never be absolutely sure.)
I think what you are trying to say is that evolution is as much a fact as the law of gravity etc. This is far from the truth of course. We have no empirical evidence that new species are formed through natural selection. Its a great theory with no really serious problems. However, it is just a theory.


Iacchus (fundie points for thinking time only exists in a material universe, and for incoherence)

Time is wholy contingent upon the fact that a material Universe exists. Meaning, if there is no physical distance by which to measure the rate of change, there would be no time. However, that isn't to say there wasn't an immaterial universe that existed prior to this, otherwise where would the pre-existing structure (blueprint) exist to give rise to the Big Bang and set the whole material Universe into motion? And what would be the difference between that and say, "rolling out the carpet" (so to speak) with its inherent design? Isn't that in effect what DNA does, the inherent blueprint or code that tells the body what to do? So, if all we have is the immaterial dimension -- ever wonder where we go in our dreams? which, are merely an extension of thought and of the same dimension -- then the only possible thing we can have in the physical sense is stillness which, is an expression of the moment and, extended unto Eternity.

Dionysus Forums

Iacchus32 (maybe I shouldn't even bother with this fundies, just let you google thuis name :-) Nah )

Do you know why you're here? Except that "mama evolution" tells you so? That would be pure speculation if, in fact everything "stems" from nothing.

Well, what I want to know is who got mama pregnant? Could it be that we're all bastards, of some "grand idea" we don't know about? Indeed, it's much easier to blame the woman in that respect isn't it? Why? Because she's the one who has the direct proof.

Of course if we understood that we do in fact have a father, maybe we would try and stop bastardizing everything else?

Gaia online


Um... right.

I don't have enough faith to be an Atheist.
I find it extremely hard to believe something as complex as the Universe began without a God.
What caused the Big Bang? What caused the event that caused it? What caused that event?
I'm sick of this "we just don't know enough" cop-out answer.


What I'm saying is that I'm tired of you saying that "God is too complex for the human mind to comprehend" is a cop-out answer when "we just don't know enough but we're trying to figure it out" is a cop-out answer as well

GreenVI (begginning to notice a pattern?)

No proof that God exists? *disgusted sigh*
You know about termites? They have little organisms in them that help digest wood. These little organisms die if exposed to the outside enviroment. Without the little organisms, termites wouldn't be able to digest their food.
The Theory of Evolution doesn't seem to fit with this.

GreenVI ( I wonder who's next?)

So you're saying if people start swallowing mice, we'll eventually develop a symbiotic relationship?

What about life itself? How did it begin? It seems kind of odd that the right conditions just happened to be present long enough to complete the process? DNA is only part of what is essentail for life, yet it is so complex that mankind has only begun to understand its basics, even after being around for thousands and thousands of years.

man with the golden gun (well, guess you were wrong, BTW this one wins not just for formatting but also for implying there was no free will before Jesus, and no evil)

the thing is when jesus came, God gave us free will, and let us bee unles we seek Him He will work in our lives and so on. But with the free will comes sickness evilnes in the world, we are comeing close to the end times, The world is starting to come apart and Jesus will soon come back and fix things, and the Revelation thin comes in, but the point is IMO that When God sent Jesus to earth he gave us free will to do what we whant and bad things will happen, he whants us to bee free and happy and chose him but he cant he gave us free will. If He wanted to right now with the snap of his finger he could make us all worship Him and make us bow down and say we are worthless siners, but no, he gave us free will to do as we want


mochamom (translation=religious restrictions are fine as long as they don't apply to christians)

Ok, so you can't marry more than one person at a time, marijuana/peyote is still illegal, you can't make the state adhere to kosher guidelines...

Can you tell people they are going to hell if they don't repent?

These rulings make sense to us, in the extreme cases...but these laws are made, and can apply to US, as CHRISTIANS. I see these rulings as very scary...

Rapture ready


The spirit of deception is everywhere.... I can feel it all the time. Doctrines of demons are getting more entrenched in different facets of this country. Jesus warned us of this...I feel like as Christians we HAVE to be ready to cut ourselves off from worldy influences. I don't even listen to secular music anymore AT ALL. I am not just talking gang banger stuff(never listened to that anyway), but even stuff like classic rock. It's not that I am devevoping a "holier than though attitude." But I can feel my spirit man inside me groaning against it. I guess some of it comes from a fear of giving into deception. I don't want to give in. But sometimes I can feel my mind drifting into a lower, more depraved state. The WORD pulls me back as does worship.
This really concerns me. Sometimes I have little problem getting outraged at what goes on. But other times I have to fight a descent into an acceptance of sorts. This is my first year on a college campus, so I can understand why to some extent. The liberal school of thought is rampant, so I am constantly under asault. But I feel that there is more to it than that. My parents have said that every generation has their problems, their quams, etc. I think it is more than that. The battle is getting fierce in the heavens. Violent. And it is spilling over into our physical realm.

*And I have a feeling that some of the older Christians on this board (who have seen the 60's and 70's) can still say that this time is like no other.*


Oh yeah that reminds me. A local church in my town is sponsoring a Christian Muslime dialogue... "After all, shouldn't we celibrate diversity?"



It's impossible to predict the end of the world. It will be when we least expect it(though God spoke though someone at church a couple weeks ago saying that it would be 'soon', as if it would be in our life time.



It is very hard to justify religion to an Atheist. Most of them, unless they find God through a physical means, such as an encounter of some kind, have no desire to believe in a God, and are altogether too modernistic to believe that such an antiquated concept can possibly be true when there are such perfect answers from science, physics, and Darwin. Any appeals to a higher being or desires thereof can be appeased by reading a little philosophy, be it Aristotle, Nietzsche, etc. However, a Christian will also tell you that they know God exists because he answers prayer. Things just seem to happen to allow Christians under adverse circumstances to survive, prosper, and continue life, often better than before. It's all a bit too regular to be written off to coincidence, especially when these events are usually preceded by a prayer for a successful resolution. With this, and the reasons cited in my above posts, it can be justified with certainty that there Is a God. Even so, some will still say that it is all a quaint old myth, and I have pity on them. To those, I ask: When a loved one dies, how do you cope? When a tragedy strikes, what prevents extreme depression, unhappiness, suicide, and the like? I have always felt sorry for those who disbelive in The Lord, as when such things happen, they do not have His comforting presence to turn to, they do not have a hope that their relatives are living in paradise, but rather know with certainty that said relatives are completely "dead" and nonexistant. Atheists have good reason to fear death, from their point of view, because they know that they will be completely dead. They try to build monuments and riches on earth so that they will be remembered, as a legacy to their existence. From the Christian point of view, they also ought to fear death, because no matter their beliefs, they will still have to face The Lord on the day of judgement, and The Lord doesn't subscribe, according to Church teaching, to such modern concepts as "tolerance" and "differing beliefs." I always cringe when someone makes light of hell with an attitude of "I know it doesn't exist, so I'm not going there, but if I do, then oh well, it's just a place with fire and darkness, can't be too bad." Hell is held to be infinitely worse than the greatest pains we on earth could imagine, suffered for eternity with no relief or respite. There's no "second chance" or pardons after serving time. It's permanent. A Christian, on the other hand, has no reason whatsoever to fear death, as he knows and trusts in The Lord's great mercy, and while he may sin, he has the opportunity to expiate his sins in temporary Purgatory, rather than full-blown hell. Eternity is a long time.

I realize that the above isn't as together as I woud like it to be, and is rather general, not addressing individual posts, but it's the best I can do without writing a treatise on the topic.

With regards to the post questioning my logical flaw, the last post on page the twelvth of this thread, I noticed that flaw too, as I wrote my prior post on Islam. I ignored it at the time. Perhaps I should have best worded my thoughts as such: "I don't have a shred of evidence to indicate that Islam is any more valid than Christianity, and I have much evidence (see pretty much every one of my posts on this thread) to indicate that Christianity is valid. As Christians believe that Islam is a great heresy, I hold to this view, for lack of evidence to the contrary.


my freind CRAP FACE(poo_on_you)listen you will see one day when you are in eternal HELL beleive me if you dont save yourself you will be but when we get resectud through christ when people start disapearing will you believe then or not?


What's wrong with you people?! Prostitution should NEVER be legal!!! Women are SO MUCH MORE THAN SEX SLAVES!!!!!! I wouldn't want ANYONE to think of me as a "sex toy," no matter how well it paid!! People are just worth so much more than that!!!!

And besides, sex is suppost to be something special--something you share with someone you truly love and who means the world to you. If it was something you did with just anyone, than it's not special anymore--it's meaningless!

Don't you see what you're saying?! You're saying that YOU, yes YOU, and all other women are nothing but sex machines designed for men's pleasure!!! And that's just so untrue!!! Women are valuable, strong, special creatures!!!! Please reconsider your desision, as you are insulting all of us by saying that prostitution should be leagal.

Evolutionism: the denial of absolutes

Evolutionists like to explain non-utilitarian aspects of life (we shall use beauty as the chief example in this thread), in terms of utility.
They do this because it provides for them an escape route when confronted with absolute purpose.

For example, they will tell you that the reason a male human is attracted to a woman's pelvic shape, is because he discerns that such form facilitates child-bearing, and thus, preservation of ourselves (they like to use "species" here - makes them feel scientific - but we will stick to less high falutin language).

The reason a man is attracted to a woman's shape, is not found in utility (many men like large breasted women, others small breasted women, but breast size has nothing to do with milk production anyway; many men like large/wide female hips, others like the 'Beau Derick' ('10') look).
The reason is necessarily tautological: he is attracted to her, because he is attracted to her.

This then brings up the issue of just what the object/focus/platform of attraction is: what is the substance/essence of 'attractiveness'?: what does attractiveness comprise of itself? Concisely: "what is beauty?"

Beauty is an absolute, as is utility. This is easy to prove: when we attribute beauty to an item, we call it "beautiful" (full of beauty). Thus we have described the subjective (most differ on what they consider beautiful) with the objective "beauty": we may differ on what is beautiful, but not on the existence of beauty.

Christian forums


The evolutionist will at this point, realising his need to divorce his real-world perception (reality) from the debating table, attempt to point out that beauty is simply a grouping term for the phenomenon which attracts.
We shall of course thank him for his definition, but point out that, in order to have a definition, must must first of all have that which it defines.

Beauty is an absolute. And being an absolute, cannot be attributed to the utility-based production which is 'evolution': it has come from Someone else.

Someone who understands the beauty of it.



Thank you for reiterating what is posited in the OP.
0/10 for reading and comprehension.


Jet Black,

"Then why do I think Britney Spears is Ugly?"
Probably the same reason you haven't understood the OP.


Jet Blck,

You really need to go back and read the OP properly: it will save you typing all your high falutin words past the point.


I tend to spend most of my time in the theology areas (prefer to deal with reality: afterlife, sin, righteousness, love, faith etc).

Every now and again I like to take a little wander and have some fun with you guys. If I could put it down to one difference between the 2 areas, it would be this:
You guys like to bluff when you don't have answers, or don't understand the issue.



I dont know how to put this, but "you haven't read the OP".
That is probably why it baffles you.


Nathan Poe,

Your argument reduces to "You're wrong!"
(You should save such winners for when the going gets tough.)

Good night.



"Beauty is by no means an absolute"
Of course it is: it cannot be defined in terms of anything else. This makes it an absolute. Similarly utility is an absolute.

"Beauty isn't something attached to an object, its someones individual assessment and what every person finds beautiful varies from person to person."
All subjective assessments are underpinned by the existence of the objective substance of the same. Without an objective base, the subjective could not exist.
This is shown forth at the generic level in the relativity of subjective to objective: "subjective" has no meaning if objective does not exist.

christian forums


So man evolved from some other kind of animal because of mutation? hee hee hee. ri-i-i-ght!!!

"Mutations result when the DNA polymerase makes a mistake, which happens about once every 100,000,000 bases.

Actually, the number of mistakes that remain incorporated into the DNA is even lower than this because cells contain special DNA repair proteins that fix many of the mistakes in the DNA that are caused by mutagens. The repair proteins see which nucleotides are paired incorrectly, and then change the wrong base to the right one. " --

Christian Forums


I place my trust 100% in Jesus Christ and the holy word,amen.
In the beginning,God!
Radical liberals are dangerous to the United States and the freedom
and safety of our nation. They are a group who is never satisfied,and they
cause the deaths of all the unborn and they keep Pornography legal.
Porn kills,and and destroys.
Evolution is an ancient pagan religion rising back up!
Henry Morris's book "The Long War Against God' prove it,and it is so well researched
that no one can argue against the facts. Evolution is not science at all,and it has no

Christian Forums


Evolution is a pagan religion,and an end times fable.
Yes,atheist slash evolutionists have an agenda,and
they know they do. Don't listen to their sob stories.
They cannot accept the truth about God simply
because they don't accept the truth about themselves.
It's not what they don't understand in the bible that
bothers them so much,it's what they do understand that
chaps their hide the most. They cannot stand what the
bible says about the lost.They also don't realize that when
they denie the truth,that they have cursed their lives.
Please read: 2nd Cor.10:5

Christian Forums


The earth is young. It cannot possibly billions of years old,amen.
There are also many scientists who believe the earth is young too,
and no matter what you say or claim,you cannot change the truth.
Homosexuals say that they are born gay,and they try to get Doctor's
to find evidence to support their agenda,yet it is simply not true.
The earth is young no matter what any liberal says.

Christian Forums


Personally,what do you both think about TOE?
It should be kicked with foot,right?
I think so. It's so obviously a fairytale,and so easy
to realize is fake that no wonder people believe it's
part of a conspiracy against the freedom of The USA
and the world.

christian forums


I won't give you people fodder to attempt to get me kicked, but I know of many a Christian who thinks like that. Now, the idea that we shouldn't be "judgemental" and should instead question our own status with God is nice thinking, but people don't do that -- everybody thinks they're fine with God in their own mind, others might not. Sorry, that's how it is. It may be judgemental, but isn't society so in general?

And yes, I do know the majority of Christians are thiestic evolutionists. Just an example of the saddness of how theory and other faith masquerading as scientific fact can affect so many. But if you don't believe what the Bible says in one book, how can you be sure that anything else that author says, like Moses, is a lie? And furthermore how do you decide what is truth in the Bible and what is not? It becomes pick and chose religion. How can you really trust in Christianity if you don't believe the fundamentals and leaders that first enlightened the world to it? Can you be Christian?

Many great ideas, maybe better for the theology section, but that's my point.

Christian forums


Hey, this is Rebel4Dios. I'm relatively new here, but I have scientific evidence God is real. Anyone who wants to debate me is welcome to. I have proof that the Big Bang, Evolution, etc. is PROOF of God! Contact me if you want to know my theory and how I arrived at it.


No one? Alright this may shock you, but the Big Bang is Proof of God. Let me elaborate. God appears to be an all knowing, all seeing, supreme entity that exists beyond the limits of time and space. When the Bible speaks of God it says that he created the universe, literally spoke it into existence. "And God said let there be light and there was light and God saw that it was good." Think about that verse. There was nothing at the time "and the earth was void and without form" until a giant burst of light erupted out from the emptiness. Think about it. If the Bible was right, then there really was a giant burst of light and heat energy that caused the creation of such elements as hydrogen, helium, etc. in the first few seconds. I do not deny the Big Bang at all. Picture this, there is a plain match sitting on a table. There is no doubt that if striken it will release, light, energy, and a variety of gasses and elements as a chemical change occurs. However, it cannot strike itself, there has to be one to strike that match before it can even get warm. The fire cannot sponateously erupt without cause.
The Bible even gives evidence of universal expansion. "For God made the heavens AND STRETCHED THEM OUT." I have much more evidence to anyone else who would like to challenge me on ANY issue concerning God.


Good question iconoclast, here is your answer, God was not created. It may seem odd, but picture this... an entity not bound by time, space, or matter can always exist even before the creation of ten dimensions of space and the one of time. Think of this, if there is a mouse in a maze, he is restricted to the walls and must go through the maze, with all of it's physical limitations. However, say the mouse was being held above the maze, he would not be at all restricted to the physical limitations of the structure. So assuming that God exists oustside of our boundries, what makes you think he himself would have to abide by our laws of creation in order for his life to exist? If he exists outside our realm of sight, matter, space and time, he could just as well have existed forever. My best regards to Kingreaper. Interesting statement. Let me ask you, how does the Big Bang theory disagree with the Bible? GIVE ME THE PROOF I HAVE GIVEN YOU.


Very amusing Kingreaper. Quite the contrary. Nowhere does the Bible give an estimate of the age of the earth. In fact it is theologians and zealots who equate the six days of creation with six thousand years. The sheer age of civilization is stressed 8,000 t0 25,000 years BEFORE the flood (you can check this by counting the number of years and generations before the flood in genesis). In fact the Bible stresses that "To God one day is as one thousand years." Considering this, the six days were probably not six consecutive 24 hour periods but rather possilbly 60 million years or more! The bible also gives evidence of universal cooling! The theory here is that as matter expands it rapidly decays and cools until it ultimately collapses. Genesis 2 and 3 talk about a painful and long creationic period both before adam and eve. Such ongoing slavery and decay only proves the second law of thermodynamics. In turn, the Bible also talks about in many places how the earth and the heavens are constantly going under rapid decline. Concerning evolution, I do not believe that man originated from apes. If that were possible, then today we would be seeing rapid changes in monkeys DNA as time went on. Not only that but there is a great difference between universal and biological evolution. According to biological evolution, there must have been an infinite number of 'dice throws' in order for life to evolve by chance anywhere in the universe. steadily expanding forever and because of this it is an infinite entity capable of 'an infinite number of dice throws'. However, recent COBE satellite findings of back radiation prove the rapidly expanding universe suffered a massive 'big bang' explosion. To back this up once more lets take a look into the sky. Now if you look into the heavens you will see the right amount of stars. not too little to not leave us in pitch blackness with no light and not too much to blind us. Considering that all the stars in the sky are each spaced an equal amount apart from each other and are shining at a near equal intensity we can determine if the universe is finite or not. If there is an infinite universe, there is an infinite number of stars. So if there is an infinite number of stars, all spaced equally from each other, their light would make night on our planet as bright as day. Seeing as how the night sky is not as bright as day, we can safely assume that the universe had a beginning and is finite. With that said, there could NOT have been an infinite number of throws for life in such great quantities to exist on one planet. Therefore we can safely come to one conclusion. LIFE BY CHANCE IS FALSE. THERE MUST HAVE BEEN AN INTELLIGENT CREATOR. I have much more proof of this. Now tell me how the Koran stresses this.


Yes, you are right, I believe the Bible. Jesus said if you don't believe what I say, believe for my works that I do. How can you deny over 4 to 5 thousand years of continuous miracles and accurate acts of salvation upon the part of Israel and the Christians. Have you noticed how many prophecies spoken of in the Bible have been fulfilled? This is not only a matter of science but a matter of faith. God be with you.


OK lets talk about such 'selection'. You know, I have tried just to open a friendly debate over this issue, and what I get is slapped in face a hundred times over! I have several scientists and professors who agree with my theories. Hugh Ross, PH.D. being my lead inspiration! I realise that maybe I got my facts mixed up in the first part of the debate. (ex. the stars glowing at equal intensity at equal length) But I am not guilty of lying! I am presenting a theory that should be looked upon with an unbias viewpoint, but the most frequent response I am getting is "SHUT UP THE FANATICAL ZEALOT!" I could quote word for word, provide stacks of evidence, have many other renound scientists and philosophers back up my theory. I thought that maybe this website would be a place where we could forget our differences and bilateraly discuss our theories to come to a unilateral agreement. However, seeing the anti-religious bias and closed minidedness of such an immature group of people has utterly sickened me(ex: false,false,false,inacurate, wrong, unreliable). I AT LEAST WAS OPEN MINDED ABOUT YOUR THEORIES! Because of this I will withdraw my argument from this travesty. I do thank this forum. Now after seeing the closed minded skepticism of this group I will work HARDER on my theories and work toward having them PUBLISHED! Please note that had it not been for your irritating judgementalism I would have further elaborated and this could have been a much more fun and interesting debate.

Gaia Online


I think that Atheism is a religion because a religion is basically what you believe in considering the start of the world or the supernatural being of god, jesus, buddha, or anything. So if you are atheist you believe there is no god but you do still believe. I, my self, am buddhist and believe in buddha.

Gaia Online

And if it's really "pro-choice" then why doesn't the kid get a choice as to whether or not he lives?

monkey toaster

Abortion is wrong since it is killing a potential human being; however, if having the baby will threaten the mother's life, the doctors give her a choice to kill the baby and let her live, or deliver the baby and die.


alright... i know i just got here but.... personaly all those people who say that abortion in a three month period is fine and dandy are plain idiotic and retarded peopl. sry to put this but its true. once the sperm hits the egg and fertilizes it its a human being and a baby now. even in three months ur killing a live being and SHOULD be arrested and put in jail cuz ur murdering someone. even tho the baby doesnt start looking like a baby till lik 5, 6 months its still a human being and its still living.... i mean it can breath it eats and it moves..... whats the problem with people understanding that even tho the mother gets raped and all, and if she doesnt want the baby then she should give it up for adoption that she should still give birth to it and NOT KILL IT!!! People out there say that its good but its actually wrong and people say that "oh but the mother was raped and she should hav the right to decide to go through the pain or not".... she still should hav the baby and if not wanting it give it up for adoption giveing the baby at least a chance to live longer then three months or weeks or w/e. Abortion is killing nothing more and people say it is ok lik Kerry.... he says that its the mothers choice if she should let the baby supposedly "live" or not outsid eher womb.... when technically she is killing the baby even tho they say she isnt.

Page 30 of this thread


Someone may have already said this, but I think abortion is like had the choice to have sex, but to have an unborn child die and pay for your poor decision??? Its wrong.

(not because I disagree, I can't work out what I would have to disagree with, just the formatting)

you never had the chance to decide if you wanted it or not, a women getting raped and then having an abortion i think is wrong, but i think is ok. The woman might have never wanted the child, or isnt able to have the child, should the woman have to suffer becauwse some perverted punck couldnt keep his dick in his pants {i despise rapest}. if a child is going to take the life of his or her mother when he or she is born then it should be ok for that mother to get an abortion, a mother as being, any age. There are sick minds out there that would rape 14 year old girls, is it right that that girl should have to live with it for the rest of her life? the child being the constant reminder? and how would that child feel when he or she finds out that they were born because of the act of a rapest?

brother_edward (non-sequitur award)

abortion is murder, and a tragedy. I don't understand how abortion can be defended. In science class in sixth grade, we learned what a living thing had to have in order to be living. An unborn child has all of those. To say that the child isn't fully developed is a cop out too, because I am twenty one years old and I still am not fully developed.
Unwanted children can be adopted quite easily, and birth control has progressed to the point where its quite easy to prevent unwanted children in the first place. Remenber: abortion stops a beating heart.

Christian forums


Watermelons and Clouds.

Often, (almost all the time) Evolutionists argue relationship between humans and chimps. They point out towards the DNA sequence of both the organisms saying that DNA shows similarity and thus, the latter evolved from the former.
If that is true, Is a cloud mde up of almost 100% water somehow related to a watermelon which is 98% water?

Gaia Online


I disagree. An agnostic is one who believes we (as humans) can ever know for sure if God does or does not exist. It is technically impossible for one to 'not believe He doesn't [exist], and not believe He does [exist]', as you put it - as I stated, the argument is binary. At any particular moment, one either believes in God or one does not believe in God - there is no 'half-belief' in God.


I don't believe he exists...which, incidently, is identical to saying I believe he doesn't exist. It is a binary argument - by saying I don't believe he exists I am automatically implying that I do believe he doesn't exist.


Galwraith wrote:
Why do you think that there needs to be a belief in the negative in order for there to be a no belief in the positive?

Because it's binary - 'either/or', only two states.

Galwraith wrote:
There's nothing you don't care about, one way or the other? Nothing that you're entirely apathetic about?

That's beside the point; whether or not I care about something doesn't change the fact that I either believe in it or I don't. I don't care whether Spurs won last week or not, but I believe they did not.


Galwraith wrote:
Either you believe in God or you don't- that's binary.

Roll a die. Either it's a 3 or it isn't. However, if it isn't, that doesn't mean it's a 2, does it?


A die has six faces; belief in the existence of God is binary - there are only two outcomes/positions. There is no such thing as 'half-belief' - one either believe God exists or one must believe God does not exist. Even if one believes 'God exists here, here and here but not here,' one is still conceeding the existence of God.


The fact that there may be 'different facets' (I assume you mean different reasons) for not believing in God is not the issue - essentially, one either believes in the existence of God (theism) or one believes, by default, in the non-existence of God (atheism). That is the primary criteria of ones fundimental beliefs - 'do you believe in God?' A secondary criteria may be: 'do you believe you have knowledge of God's existence/non-existence?' This would then further divide individuals into agnostic theists, non-agnostic theists, atheists and non-agnostic atheists.


Galwraith wrote:
Do you currently have opinions on things you haven't heard about yet?

No, because I don't believe they exist. I am 'atheist' towards them - I believe I have knowledge that they do not exist (I have not heard of them) and I don't believe they exist

Gaia Online


Rome fell, Egypt fell, Greece fell, Japan fell, All of these accepted Homosexuality as a mainstream concept only a few generations prior to their fall. History repeats, failure to learn from it is not "homophobia", it's reason. Besides, do you honestly think it won't? It's so much easier for guys to get along with guys and girls to get along with girls then to cross the genders. If homosexuality becomes taught as a valid option to heterosexuality, how many more people who now live in their closets will choose that road?


procreation.. Gays cannot procreate. thus as the years go on and on and the number of gay marriages increase the species that is humanity dwindles. We would slowly die out... I like the pet marriage argument though. next you people are going to want to give people in Alabama the right to marry there sisters......

christian forums


Macro Evolution goes against the Bible big time. You my friend need to at least read the genealogy of Jesus and read Genesis!

Gaia Online


Abortion is absolutely wrong...plain and simple, it is a waste of good human resources. A percentage of anti-Abortionists are probably anti-animal-slaughter-for-human-consumption and care about starving orphans in third-world, i mean underdeveloped, i mean developing nations (its hard to keep up with the politically correct euphemisms nowadays) as well...I will addres both of this issues quite frankly. Why kill babies before they are born, when you can eat them afterwards? Pre-natal destruction of potential babies is a careless waste of what could essentially be a valuable resource. I propose an organisation devoted to feeding impovershed and famined regions of the world without killing the oh-so-precious animals your God put on this earth. If a mother does not want a baby (unless of course she's raped [I don't want to offend everyone in this post, just most of you] in which case this suggestion doesn't apply (i suggest an egg-beater in this case), obtain her consent, and get the baby to sign a liability release form (and just like immigrants who can't sign their own name or read english, we can have an 'interpreter' do-it for the infant), and after 3 to 18 months, ship it off to a poor country and have them eat it...Babies are much more easy to transport than cattle or chicken, (they are usually smaller and easier to keep fresh). Anyway, send me hate mail, or praise for all you fellow f**ked up minds out there...


And maybe you can hear the heartbeat from 12 weeks on; I consider this unlikely without a source presented, but so? Why is a heartbeat the fundamental of life? We don't consider people who need artificial hearts dead, we use the brain as the fundamental criterion.

When does the fetus first exhibit significant brain activity, hm?
wow. hahaha. the idea of an artificial heart makes it obvious that a heart is essential in life. thats what pumps all the blood and keeps it oxygenated so life can be carried out. anyway.

and i don't know when "signifigant" brain activity occurs or what exactly you'd mean by that.


My mom and I were talking about this on the way home from church...[she also shared a REALLY kool story w/ me 2...] Anyway...I believe that it is wrong, yes. It would b very difficult to decide what to do if u were very young and got pregnant...i's murder. I was crying when i thought about the babies who r being killed because of some1s stupid mistake[or mayb that was something else i was crying about... ] and i wish that it never happens...but the fact does...


*hahaha... laughs at you because you continue to make no sense!*
all you say is "you are wrong" why don't you put some facts on here? anaogies and thoughtless words mean nothing! your analogies are bogus! sure they are examples of taking small risks... (by the way having sex is a much bigger risk than walking down the street or eating food) but yup... they are the worst analogys i have ever seen!
read the dictionary if you will... a fetus is an unborn baby...
I can't understand why people would want to kill a baby!... we have the right to life!
Abortions are even less safe than any operation to try and save the baby!
Why do you call her a mother if the fetus is "not a person?"
The mother made a choice to have sex (in all most all cases) So just because the "mother" doesn't want the baby she has the right to kill it? Thats bologna the baby has a right to live!!!!
So when does the baby become a human to you?


actually we have a right to life. Sure... if its a good reason kill someone... ... makes sence... only not! sometimes i forget pro-choice is pro-murder. everyone dies eventually... but that doesn't mean we can kill everyone!


yes it is wrong cuz no matter how you see it its murder


i donot think abortions are wrong unless you were raped

Gaia online

LAW of gravity. Not theory. Laws cannot be proven wrong. Period. Theories on the other hand are theories for a reason. They are not yet fully proven or they are incomplete.

Gaia Online

Emiko Kiyomi

Verse: Exodus 23:7, Psalm 82:3-4, Romans 8:28

As a Christian, I believe that abortion is wrong. Life is a gift, and to me, a blessing from God. I do not believe that, as humans, we have the right to decide who gets to live and who doesn't. Abortion is just legal murder... It's selfish and cruel. Many people usually ask me at this point, "But what if a girl gets raped?? Is abortion still wrong?" Yes, I believe it is. It's still murder. Technically, murder is the destruction of life. When a woman aborts a baby, that's exactly what she is doing, because it's more "convenient." That is selfish. Humans should not have the right to control the fate of an unborn child. And just because the baby begins in the fetus doesn't mean it's "just a part of the mother's body." This is a passage from my Bible that talks about this:

"Every human being throughout history has had a unique, individual genetic code stamped on every cell in his or her body. Both the mother and the fetus she carries have a genetic code stamped on their genes and chromosomes. Are they the same? No. The fetus's genetic code is different from the mother's. To say a woman can do whatever she wants with her own body may be true. But it is not true that a fetus is merely a part of the mother's body."

Rapture Ready

Angel Trinity 3

I found this to be very helpful! We all want our loved ones to have a knowledge of what happened to us, so once the rapture occurs a Rapture Letter will be e mailed to them for you! If many of you are trying to witness to those who just dont want the gift of Salvation, maybe this last attempt on your part will definately open their eyes!

Please take the time to add all your friends and families e mails to this site that will forward a Rapture Letter to all that have been Left Behind! It takes seconds to complete! Time is short, make use of this tool for all of those who deserve to know!


angel,I think we should have letters send it to emails at churches as well (just in case

And we also should have these letters send to famous people and people of Influence where we live as well. I am having one sent to Michael Moore


I did some.

Although, it would be really embarrasing to be left behind yourself and have all those letters go out. So, before you all send them out, make sure you'll be right with God first at that time.


say,if we are gone how will the letters be sent automatically


I sent one to Michael Moore and Kate garven already

Tried finding his email but no luck on how to send one to Bill Maher (who by the way knows what the rapture is)

everyone listed at:

who dont know Jesus yet for sure needs a letter sent to them.

Also several radio show hosts I can think of

Matt Drudge
Michael Medved
Michael Savage
Howard Stern

to name a few

also send one to ever local radio show host and reporter you can think of also

also school staff members and school board members and city leaders and state politicians should get a letter too


That's what I was wondering....I guess, some good unsaved people have agreed to send them out if many people all over went missing

there is an email address there


I think this is a great idea,with one caveat: What guarantees do we have that this website will keep all these e-mail addresses private except when the rapture is upon us?


Hello all,
just a question here. Don't you think the sattelites and electricity will be messed up for awhile after the rapture? And then there could be tracking devices on all comp. for the goverment to track this info and then they would go to these people and torture them. We should print out letters for people to read. I know I am a consperecy (sp) freak.. but just my 2 cents worth..


Just curious, are we 100% sure that they send these letters out AFTER the rapture??? How does the computer or whatever know that it's happened? It's a wonderfuly idea, but I would feel silly if it was sent out beforehand.

Angel Trinity 3

You know what folks?!?!? I wouldnt even worry about those things, if it wasnt possible to send out those Rapture letters, they wouldnt have this in place, obviously God gave someone this idea, and God will direct it as time will allow! Leave the worry up to God, dont stress, everything will be ok!

Just get out your e mail addresses and fill in the blanks and let God get the job completed!!! Amen !?

Maranatha everyone!

Christ is coming back, dont waste a minute!

Andrew L.

Great, I sent one to Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and of course our friend George W. Bush!


I wrote the site today and asked them HOW they would get these out if the site managers are believers!! When and if I find out, I will let you's a wonderful wonderful idea.

I only wish they would talk about NOT taking the mark of the beast and not to believe him.


I mean no offense to this topic's originator and this sounds like a great idea but call me skeptical of the intentions of the web site. I am very uncomfortable putting loved one's e-mail addresses into somebody's database with no protections at all. I think a better idea is to witness to them now personally and when the rapture occurs they will definitely remember their conversation with you. I think that will have more impact since they heard it directly from you before it happens. Tell them now and don't assume some server is going to send them an e-mail in an extremely chaotic world. My thoughts and opinions only. Thanks

Angel Trinity 3

I am not worried, and many ppl that I am witnessing to are turning a deaf ear to me, so I send them e mails of really good websites, including RR, and plus everyone I have in contact with me, dont live close to me, so this is my only way of witnessing! When these e mails are sent out, my name will appear in there inbox, so they wont be weirded out from this incoming e mail with a strange name!

I am only doing my part and hope that you will do yours, God will bless you for remembering the Lost in this world!

Keep up the good work everyone, remember what I said before, God allowed this tool to be available to us, we have to trust Him that all will run smoothly with this project, and to those who e mailed them asking how will the emails be sent out if they arent there, let us know your responses, and thank you everyone!

God bless you all!




ps ~ remember tic, tic, tic


I also tried emailing the site and the mail box was full...hmmm...I might just take a leap of faith and do it anyways....yeah...sure why not?!

Angel Trinity 3

Way to go, a leap of faith, I like to hear that! SemperSpes06!!!

Maranatha everyone!

Are you ready?


For those of you who have your left behind letters done, now is the time to add another letter to your local newspaper.

I am also pinning $1 on the corner of each letter with the hopes that the person who is mailing them for me needs the money...

There are several in my family who doubt the rapture and are reliable and will mail my letters for me. Praying that they aren't here to mail them but that someone reliable will...

I also got a lot of great CD's out of the trash that will go with the packages...
(they were thrown away because they weren't perfect, but that doesn't matter to me...I hate throwing away the word of God...


I've been praying that my letters get sent and there is no reason for me to think that God will not answer my prayers.

I believe that some people are going to have to experience being left behind to believe and for the scales to fall off. Satan is going to be busy all over the earth after the rapture, but he cannot be everywhere...I pray that many in my family will be scrambling to find our bibles, our letters, our tapes, our books, and our left behind things...they will suddenly believe us and want to find out everything they can.

This is the primary reason I am so adamant about keeping up with the earthquake signs, the volcano signs, the weather signs, etc...because of those left behind who do not yet believe...


I respect your right and willingness to do this, I am only saying what safeguards are in place to protect the e-mail addresses of the people you are providing to unknown people. Since there will be zero Christians on earth after the rapture what prevents those left behind from attaching their own letter to the addresses you provide? This all sounds great on it's face but Satan is the Angel of Light, the great deceiver and liar. I'm still skeptical. Guess that's my nature.


well, it's a crazy idea to believe that right after you are raptured that e-mail will function. Imagine it, not only that, but there will be riots, street gangs, a wave of crime, im betting that the internet will be down for at least some time. I would suggest leaving physical copies of your letters in personal belongings where people will find them. Plus, the guys website waid it was a personal ministry. Where is he gonna be after the rapture? How will he send out the e-mails? Just curious.

Angel Trinity 3

Like I said earlier folks, God provided this tool, so I suggest we use it! I have Faith in the Almighty God in Heaven, and He will get these Rapture letters out!

Keep the Faith, believe that God will get His work and Word out to His ppl that are left behind and that more Souls for Christ will be Saved!!!

I say, just do it, and in the name of Jesus, pray about it if you arent sure!

God bless you all!

Maranatha !!!



ps ~ I am so glad to know that I had a part in something like this and to know that my friends and family will have this little glimmer of hope come their way when they so badly will need it on that day God allows it to get to them! Have FAITH!!!!

Modern atheist


i dont know...evolution could be wouldnt necesarily go against my beliefs. i mean, the events in genisis are almost in the same order as the events in evolution...and we dont know how long a week was in the beggining of time. i just think that, whatever happened, God started it, made it happen, and made it work, made it how he intended...instead of it all happening by chance

LN ( translation= I was happy as an atheist, but now I'm a christian I know I must have been depressed, so I just thought I was happy, but I wasn't I WASN'T)

i have been an atheist before...and it was the most depressing period of my life because i knew my life was basically worthless and i didnt have a soul. but i denied my depression and somehow made myself believe that i was happy because i had figured it out. looking back, i dont ever want to think that agian.


ANYWAY (in case you took me seriously about you being gay i was kidding lol..unless you are...hmmm..whatever)...ok lateralis i have question for you. you say that you will continue to be convinced of God's nonexistence until logical evidence indicates otherwise right?

ok...that doesnt make sense. because how can you leave it to the laws of nature to put forth evidence that there is something out there that is "super"natural? shouldnt you look elsewhere beyond this natural world for that kind of proof?? or else you are being extremely short-sighted

its like this quote that i really love but i have no idea who said it: the eye only sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend.

(maybe its just me but that sounds a little creapy, huh?)


Capurconis*sp* was being unscientific when he said the Sun was the Center of the universe not the Earth, Scientic and Unscientifc are only measured in current belife

the current belife is Evolution, thus creation is unscinetifc

Darwanism used to be "scientific" but it has been proven faluty now its "unsceitnif" yet its still evolution

Thus only with the slow decay of man for we all know the age of phliosphy is over, all shall perish to hypothesis, For evolution isn't a theory because there is no test

we have never tried to evolve a fish

a monkey

we havenever seen it

it is only a Hypotheises to rule out the fact that you are not in controll of anything
...says coldtears

and we dont know if xianity is a myth...its called faith hun

and ive already said this a couple times. i dont question the ways of God. i am not God and therefore cannot think like him. YOU do not think like God. there is cause and effect, remember, for everything, so something horrible could happen but the effect could ultimately work out perfectly. make sense?

rapture ready


Ron Reagan's kids remind me of what can happen from generation to generation...they can be totally lost if they aren't brought up right...somewhere along the lines Nancy or Ron let little Ronnie get away with his little homosexuality perversion thing and now it has the best of him...running rampantly against what his father spoke.


Don't be too hard on the kids, their father was into the occult along with his wife, Nancy. What else would you expect?


Blogger alex said...

I thought you would be pleased to witness its first production in Washington...

April 12, 2007 at 5:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have hardly got in and we already owe sixty hellers.. Have you yours? I think it was a chance shot; but it told all the same. Got a little matter with Pink here first.. He had made up his mind before he left his father's house how he would look during the term.. Yo' ain' grievin' foh yo' ma? Again she shook her head.. I shall not treat this position of the dream work exhaustively; I will only point out that the readiest way to arrive at a conception of it is to take for granted, probably unfairly, that it only subsequently influences the dream content which has already been built up.. On as many as three different occasions Sim Marchman, as if he had lost all self-respect, or had not a particle of tact, brought in himself, instead of sending by a negro, a bucket of butter and a coop of spring chickens as a free gift to Mrs.. It's perfectly jolly, she laughed with him.. Thus from two starting points we are led to the hypothesis that occupation through the second system is at the same time an inhibition for the emotional discharge, viz.. Gideon followed her slowly.. ' Lordy! she continued, with a laugh, leaning forward over her parasol, as her eyes again sought the Colonel's, don't you remember when you asked me if I loved that old Hotchkiss, and I told you 'That's tellin',' and you looked at me, Lordy! I knew then you suspected there was a Hiram somewhere --as good as if I'd told you.. In order to be in a position successfully to change the outer world through the motility, there is required the accumulation of a large sum of experiences in the memory systems as well as a manifold fixation of the relations which are evoked in this memory material by different end-presentations.. Your lots, as you will perceive, are beyond it; and are now all under water.. Thus far it is in the way of becoming something resembling an obsession, delusion, or the like, i.. Why don't you untie your shoes? Flop a sock down over one of 'em--that looks 'easy' all right.. Leonard does the honors with so much ease and tact.. All the Watkinson voices now began to clamor violently at the obstinate child--Speak a speech! speak a speech! speak a speech! But they had no more effect than the reiterated exhortations with which nurses confuse the poor heads of babies, when they require them to shake a day-day--shake a day-day! Mrs.. Will you hear 'em now--now I'm here? We all nodded.. Could a young schoolmaster think of feruling a girl with her hair in ringlets and a gold ring on her finger? Impossible--and the immunity extended to all the little sisters and cousins; and there were enough large girls to protect all the feminine part of the school.. When he made his entry Major Talbot gave an audible sniff, glared at him, and seemed to freeze solid...

September 3, 2007 at 1:31 PM  

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