Monday, September 20, 2004

Things creationists should do..

...that don't require them to give up the literal bible, or damage their arguments for it (how can you damage something that barely qualifies as an attempted argument)

1. Admit that they are polytheists, that Jehovahs their god of war, Jesus is their god of love and the holy ghost is their god of knowledge

2. Accept that evolution is possible, and unlimited, and concentrate on trying to show that it wasn't what happenned

3. Ponder why no-one ever predicts rapture outside of their concievable lifetime

4. Learn to use paragraphs Image Hosted by

5. Avoid using arguments that can be defeated by replacing the word universe with the word God (ie. the universe must have a cause)

6. accept that if there claim that atheists have no reason for morality, neither do they, as they obey God out of self-interest


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